ATL Server Links
This page provides a few hopefully useful links for ATL Server, ordered by topic.
Before looking forward, let's set some things straight:
Although ATL Server is a product of Microsoft Corporation, this page does not reflect in any way any official position of Microsoft. Everything here is my personal opinion.
I hope the links work and I hope my recommendations are corect. However, I don't guarantee anything.
If you find any broken links, or you think of a good ATL Server article not present here, please be so kind and send a message at atlserverATbogdancrivatDOTnet. I will gladly give you credit for the link and update the list.
- published by A!Press in May 2003 - by Jasjit Singh Grewal, Pranish Kumar, Eric Lee and Bogdan Crivat - download a sample chapter (Chapter 10, about Web Services, courtesy A!Press ) - download the TOC (courtesy A!Press ) |
ATL Server and Visual Studio .NET: Developing High-Performance Web Applications Gets Easier
by Shaun McAravey and Ben Hickman on MSDN
ATL Server Tutorial - TipOfTheDay
by Erik Thompson at CodeProject
ATL Server
by Richard Grimes at COM channel
[PDF]ATL Server and ISAPI Introduction
by Matthew Gibbs at TopXML
[PDF, French]] Optimisez vos traitements sensibles avec les ATL Server
by Fabrice Jean-Francois at Calidis/WebAtrium
SOAP Using ATL Server to Build an Asynchronous SOAP Client in Unmanaged C++.
by Pranish Kumar and Bogdan Crivat on MSDN
SOAP-ing without a Web Server
by Bogdan Crivat at CodeProject
SOAP in the Middle Tier
by Eric Jarvi on MSDN