Getting Ready For Showtime

Predixion is getting ready for show time. Today is the first day of the Predixion Insight invitational Beta, the first product from our company. This Beta will become public shortly (mid August) so if you are a Data Miner, a PowerPivot pro or  Excel user please keep an eye on to get more information. In fact, you should probably check out that page today (if you didn’t recently) as it contains a very crisp description of the Predixion vision for removing the barriers to predictive analytics.

Ever since two years ago when I spent my summer developing a cloud prototype I got hooked on the potential of predictive analytics in the cloud. Predixion Insight is unlocking that potential. I hope and believe that you will find our product a powerful instrument for analyzing your data, anywhere, anytime. We certainly put a lot of work in making it so.

Some information about the product features is already available on Jamie’s blog . I will follow up with more posts describing in detail some product features (after the public Beta becomes available).

One Response to “Getting Ready For Showtime”

  1. […] Bodgan Crivat’s blog post today: In a coordinated effort, Bogdan also posted today about Predixion Software.  He tells the story […]

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