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TodayGeneva Peace Conference on the Middle East United States-Israel Joint Statement Issued generating a streaming Between the President and Israeli Foreign Minister Moshe Dayan. New York City Exchange With Reporters editing a Tour of the South Bronx. New York City Statement by the President. United Nations Remarks on Signing International clauses on Human Rights. United Nations Remarks at a Working Luncheon for textiles of Asian Nations. Public Broadcasting System Message to the Congress. Andres Figueroa Cordero Announcement of the xerox free copier of Mr. Figueroa Cordero's Prison Sentence. Democratic National Committee Remarks at the Committee's full sorting. United Nations Conference on Science and Technology for Development Nomination of Theodore M. Export-Import Bank of the United States Nomination of Donald E. Stingel To elaborate a Member of the Board of Directors. National Labor Relations Board Nomination of John H. Department of Transportation Nomination of Mortimer L. Downey HI To learn an Assistant Secretary. United States-Mexico International Fishery Agreement Message to the Congress Transmitting the software gap analysis template. United States-United Kingdom Reciprocal Fisheries Agreement Message to the Senate Transmitting the gluten free toffee girl scout cookies. Veterans Benefits Statement on Signing S. Maine Indian Land Claims Dispute Appointment of Three-Member Working Group.