Bogdan Crivat


Welcome to my home page.

I am a Software Design Engineer with Microsoft Corporation.
I work in the SQL Server Data Mining engine development team.

Contact info: bogdanATbogdancrivatDOTnet (just make the replacements and, hopefully, this will save me from spam)


A formal curricullum vitae(Rich Text Format) is available here.
I tried to make a summary below:

I was born and grew up in Braila (click for some pictures), eastern part of Romania. I went to school and high-school there (the G.M.Murgoci High School).

Pagina web contine imnul curent al liceului. Parca versurile erau putin altfel

I followed with a Bachelor Degree in Computer Science at the University of Bucharest, Faculty of Mathematics. I worked for a couple of years in Bucharest, at Softwin, the most important Romanian software development company.

I joined Microsoft in 1999 and worked for 2 years and a half in the ATL Server (details available here) team. In February 2002, I started working in the Data Mining engine development team.



In alphabetical order, my main interests and hobbies are:


Irinel is my wife. Her page is here: /Irinel